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Joined: September 24, 2008
Posts: 162
Posted: Post subject: Oi, want to lose the poundage? C'mon in and lose it with me! |
So, my best friend and I decided we'd had it with being fat. We're gettin'r done, as the eloquent Larry would put it. I have never been small in my whole life, and I don't intend to be a stunning size 6. However, I am in terrible shape and have never been so heavy in my life. If time for some changes as I do not want negative health effect while I'm young!
I figured if anyone on here was doing the same, why don't we offer support to each other? Can't hurt, right?
*deep breath* This is a big confession for me here, but, I gotta be honest, or how can I offer any type of support?
I'm currently around 270lbs, my goal weight in the LOOONG run is 150. Still overweight for my 5'2, but the BMI can bite me:P
I am going to be altering my diet and exercising 4 times a week to hopefully lose 20 lbs in 6 months for starters.
If anyone else has a diet or exercise plan happening and would like an awesome cheerleader, let's get this board started!
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Joined: September 24, 2008
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`No one else, huh? Ah well, this'll be me blog then, I guess:-D
So, my scale is incredibly wonky and I think it was off by ten lbs. I was weight at the docs around the sameish time as writing that, and I was 259. . So, that's my starting weight.
Now! For the good news! I've been working out and trying to eat better for the month. At least 4-5 times a week for at least 1/2 an hour. In that month, I've lost 9 lbs!! At last check I was at 250, woooot!
Now, that may not seem like much, but considering I've never done really anything in the way of dieting or exercising, these are miraculous results to me. If this keeps up, I could really blow my starting goal right out of the water.
This is very exciting to me. I've also noticed that with this, my cravings for a lot of fat and sugar has decreased considerably. So, anyone else doing this, please join in! You don't have to be as forthcoming as I am, I don't mind. Believe me though, gals (and guys too!), if *I* can do this, anyone else who is motivated enough can too!
Until next time, keep fit and have fun! hahaha:P
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Joined: September 24, 2008
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`So, I promised to keep up here, and I'm doing so. I'm going to tell the good, and the bad. At the moment..there isn't much good, to be honest. I fell off the wagon a little after Hallowe'en (all that damn candy, lol). I've been working out off and on since then.
I haven't stepped on a scale since then, because I'm afraid of what i did to what I lost, lol.
For the good news, with Christmas coming, I feel there's no point in trying to diet/exercise at the moment. I can be honest, I know it just won't happen, and there will be too many goodies floating around.
After Christmas though, the workouts will begin again! I'm going to start again with exactly what I have up top. I still believe in myself and I know that with some hard work and time, I can get to my ideal weight.
If anyone else is in the same boat as I am, don't lose heart. Everyone stalls out a bit every once in a while. It's picking yourself up and trying again that matters. Pick a diet and exercise program that is manageable and don't go overboard right away. That is what does me in all the time:P
I can tell you, I'm a little nervous to see what my scale has to say after Christmas is done, hehe.
Anyway, have a great day, everyone! Until next time, keep on keeping on:-D
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Joined: October 26, 2008
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Boy I enjoyed reading your posts about your weight loss journey so far.
I have yo-yo-ed many pounds off and on over the course of my life and am currently attempting it again. As you said, a bit at a time.
I know what to do, used to be a member of Weight Watchers, which, by the way, is an EXCELLENT way to go, if you can afford it. The meetings every week and the little note pads etc to track food points or what ever they are doing currently.
The problem is sticking to it.
Just this past week I started with an increase in veggies and fruits and a decrease in junk and I feel better. I don't have a scale at all(I am perpetualy in denial! LOL) but I feel a bit better.
I would be happy to be your partner or cheer leader or what ever.
If we are going with honesty here, which I agree with, I tip the scales at around 330 pounds which actually is not my heaviest. Started weight watchers back in 2003 at 350 pounds and lost 70 before I had to quit because I couldn't afford it. Still can't.
Of course the minute I quit weight watchers, I put it back on, slowly but surely.
The holidays are tough though, I agree. The nice thing about after Christmas is all the diet stuff will be on sale as everyones favorite New Years reslolution is to lose weight.
If you will have me, I would love to join your journey.
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Joined: September 24, 2008
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`Cookin, I would love to have you on the weightloss train! It'll be nice not to just talk to myself all the time now, hehe.
I just started writing this because the only people I see talking about weightloss are thin people. They may have been big at one point and lost the weight but it doesn't motivate me whatsoever. I thought well, maybe if I can do this and start gradually start losing weight, other people who want to will be able to see that it can be done.
I really want to keep writing this right up until I get to my ideal weight. One step at a time though, hehe. Another cheerleader is more than welcome!
Weight watchers is a little too pricey for me, plus my work schedule won't allow me to attend the meetings. I also saw from my first month of working out and watching what I eat that I can do this without spending the big bucks. It's all mind over matter for me.
My plan is not to look at the scale until check-in times. Usually every couple of months or so. That got bombed so far because of the doc weighing me and everything, though.
That was actually kind of funny. My doctor almost seemed disappointed to tell me I was in good health although I'm overweight and a smoker. I think he was imagining me to have cancer and diabetes or something. Hopefully the next time I see him I can show him up even more, lol.
For me, 12/27 is full-on start up day again. My sis is a terrific cook, and dinner at her house is 12/26, hehe.
If anyone else is trying to lose weight, don't be shy! Now you have two cheerleaders for the price of one:P
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Joined: October 26, 2008
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`know what you mean about disappointed doctors. I had to switch to a new one because of insurance reasons and she was very nice but gave me the lecture about heart trouble, diabetes(it runs in my family) and all the rest of it. After the tests were run, she never called me with all the bad news as she said she would so I called her. Turned out my blood sugar was...perfect. My cholesteral, both good and bad was.....perfect. I almost laughed in her face but I was a good girl.
While the weight watchers is pricey, if I had the money I would be there in a heart beat. For me, I need the feedback and the cheering section. It is almost like needing AA. I am a stress eater or a 'sad' eater or what ever mood I am in thats just not real good. And I am a celebration eater too so basically I am screwed!!
I have always admired those heroines in novels who cannot eat a bite when the hero dumps them. Ha! Not me. I'ld have had my head in the fridge looking for something to make me feel good.
Thank you for adding me to your little troop. You and I anyway.
It was nice today know that I am sharing my journey with someone.
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 hwyangel1967 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`Hi. I'm new here. I just started dieting the first of february at 303lbs. I am now 271lbs. I drive a semi OTR so its hard to get out and exercise after driving 11 to 14 hrs a day. But I have made some minor adjustments in my diet and it has been working so far. Just staying away from the junk food, starches and sauces has made a big difference. I'm a vegetarian and I realized I wasn't eating enough protein. I actually eat more than I used to, just changed what I was eating. But to tell you the truth, I dont think all women were meant to be skinny. If I were a size 4 I would probably fall flat on my face. LOL
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 charliesmile (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
this is LARGE passions. please take this conversation to DietPassions or something.
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Joined: January 5, 2005
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Posted: Post subject: |
It is entirely appropriate for this type of conversation to take place within the Dieting category. While some members on Large Passions may not have interest in dieting, there are likely to be many members that do have an interest in discussing diets, diet successes, diet problems, etc.
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 charliesmile (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
feedback wrote: While some members on Large Passions may not have interest in dieting, there are likely to be many members that do have an interest in discussing diets, diet successes, diet problems, etc.
that's a bit of a generalization, don't you think?
personally i don't think it's right to assume "all" "most" "many" or even any BBWs are on a quest to lose weight.
a statement like that is counter-conducive to the size acceptance movement.
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Joined: January 5, 2005
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The category 'Dieting' was added into the forum area to allow members who choose to discuss 'Diets and/or Dieting' to do so as they please in this area.
While everyone is allowed their opinion, we do not feel that it is appropriate to tell members to 'take their conversation to Diet Passions'.
People diet for a lot of different reasons, and members of Large Passions are more than welcome to discuss anything and everything about dieting that they would like. That is why there is a 'Dieting' category.
If you would like to start a thread within the Dieting category about how diets are antithetical to the 'size acceptance' movement, you are welcome to do so...but please don't try to shame members into going somewhere else to discuss a topic that has it's own category within the forum.
Some people diet for health reasons...whether it be due to cholesterol issues, or high blood pressure, or diabetes, or any number of other health related reasons. Some people diet due to low self-esteem. Some people diet due to social pressure. Some people diet because they feel better when they weigh less. There are a lot of different reasons why someone may choose to diet, but regardless of the reason, they can discuss it here...and hopefully find some emotional support.
And again, you are welcome to make whatever case you would like to make on how diets are bad...but please do that within your own thread in the Dieting category...perhaps titled 'How diets negatively affect the size acceptance movement'.
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Joined: September 24, 2008
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`I was so surprised to see people other than me and cookin' in this thread, lol. Not going to stop talking about it Charlie, because it's something I'm interested in. However, I won't ever tell anyone else that they should too.
I'm discussing it here because I feel very comfortable here. Like cookin', I like having the cheerleader section, too!
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Joined: September 24, 2008
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`Moving forward, guess it's about time for an update. There is not much to update, to be honest though. I've been back and forth this whole time. I am having a hard time just getting down to it and eating right and exercising.
I was doing very well before, but that was back in, I really can't say "Hey, look at how well I did then!" when I'm no longer keeping up with it.
Right now, I'm looking to quit smoking. Too much cancer in my family to tempt fate with. I know me, I can't do both at the same time. In my mind, it's like two of the worst forms of torture at the same time and I'd just fail both. What I am planning on doing is getting LOTS of healthy type snacks, so when I'm eating everything that isn't nailed down, at least it won't be as terrible as it could be.
Once I have the smoking under control I'll start looking into exercising again. How about you cookin'? Or anyone else that is working on their weight right now. How are your journeys going?
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 wveersfan (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`Me and my sister made the same decision you and your friend came to - some pounds have to go - just to be more comfortable. We took a flight to Lafayette and let me tell you, airplane seats haven't gotten any bigger!!
I'm in, could use a cheerleader. I noticed after my dog died I come home and sit in front of the TV - so I've made a deal with my niece, she has to call me and walk me *LOL* Made her a promise that if her walking helps me take off the weight then we'll take a plane ride to the beach for next spring break!!
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 styx09 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`Sheevaa! Hahaha remember how I sorta joined up with you a while back? Well... it didn't work out much for me either. *sigh* In fact, I put on another 10. But I will not stop trying! But, my little niece is getting to where she likes to be outside. Perhaps I shall start pushing her around in the stroller or taking walks with my buddies. We all weigh about the same and are always saying we're gonna start some kind of regimine, but we never actually get going.
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